Student Resources

Story Line Online Presented by the SAG Foundation. This site features many popular and well known picture books read by actors.
Shel Silverstein This site features poems read by the author, Shel Silverstein, as well as games and activities based on his poems.
Seussville This site features many of Dr. Seuss's popular books. In addition, you will find games and activities based on Dr. Seuss' books.
StarFall This site features a variety of activities, both Reading and Math, for younger learners.
Comic Creator This site allows students to practice story writing while creating comic strips.

Ology This is a Science website for kids presented by the American Museum of Natural History.

Tynker This website introduces students to the basic principles of coding. Tynker is also available as an App. This website is a great introductory to coding with fun, interactive coding games as well as video clips that explain the coding concepts. As students master skills, the games get more difficult to stretch their knowledge base.